9 réflexions sur « Vignette : Life, Life »

  1. I love the way the leaves are resting on them, like a table set. These babies are edible, I think, though I’d need to get up close to be sure. The steaks of the mushroom world…

      1. Well, it would need close inspection. Often those are woody, but not poisonous. Obviously, you never eat one of those without pretty good confirmation. My favorites to eat are the puffballs.

      2. Yes, indeed, one needs to be sure, the only one I ever ate because they cannot be mistaken for something else are « vesse -de-loup « 

      3. My father used too bring home great bunches of morels in the spring, which my mother would soak in salt water to get the bugs out, and then salute in butter. Ah, yum!

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